
Structure of SLAM-B

SLAM-B structure overview

  The SLAM-B project aims to meet three major scientific challenges:

  •  to develop generic Integrated Assessment and Modelling (IAM) approaches for thinking about bioeconomic transition and designing trajectories towards carbon neutrality within territories,
  •  to demonstrate the relevance and legitimacy of these territorial approaches through their application (Proof of Concept) in a range of contrasting territories and associated trans-disciplinary devices and,
  •  to produce IAM approaches and useful knowledge for public decision-makers at national and European level.

This set of objectives should position French research as one of the most active and recognized communities in terms of IAM approaches and knowledge production on the modalities of bioeconomic transitions towards carbon neutrality and the potential of the bioeconomy, deployed at local, national and European scales to achieve carbon neutrality targets in 2050.

The project is organized into three interacting work packages (WPs), which address each of the major challenges identified above.

WP1 is dedicated to the development of new functionalities in and for MAELIA, making it a generic IAM platform for thinking about the transition to a territorialized bioeconomy.

WP2 is dedicated to the implementation and running of scenario labs designed as Proof of Concept (PoC) of the MAELIA-based IAM approach.

WP3 aims to develop IAM approaches and knowledge on a French and European scale.

The first two WPs will interact closely, seeking to reconcile generic modeling ambitions with the expectations of scenario lab stakeholders. WP1 and WP3 will share modeling and data processing methods, and will attempt to compare their approaches implemented at different spatio-temporal and semantic scales. WP2 stakeholders' requests will feed into WP3's reflections on knowledge needs, and in return WP3 will provide framing scenarios for the Scenario Labs (WP2).

